Our Most Popular Camino & Fuentes De Lucia Recipes

Sopa de Ajo – Garlic Soup

  • 2 thick slices of day old country bread
  • 2 TBLS olive oil
  • 4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 3 C water or chicken stock
  • Salt
  • 3 eggs
  1. Fry the bread in oil in the bottom of soup pot, with garlic in corner, taking care not to burn. Turn bread over and sprinkle with paprika.
  2. Remove bread and garlic to blender and puree with a little stock or water.
  3. Return to soup pot and add remaining liquid. Add salt to taste. Bring to boil.
  4. Beat eggs in separate bowl and slowly beat in soup.

Caldo Gallego- Hearty Galician Cabbage Soup

  • 1/2 lb. dried white beans
  • 12 oz pork belly ribs or 5 oz salt pork
  • 1 1 lb. ham hock
  • 1 lb. potatoes, peeled and halved
  • 8 oz kale salt and pepper
  1. Soak beans for one hour in boiling water. Place ribs, ham hock, and drained beans in soup pot and cover with 12 cups of water.
  2. Simmer, skimming off any scum, then cook gently, covered for 1 1/2 hour.
  3. Add potatoes and simmer for another 20 minutes.
  4. Prepare the cabbage greens or kale, removing thicker stems.
  5. Remove any bones from pot and check the flavor for salt and pepper.
  6. Add the greens to pot and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, remove all edible meat from the bones and return it to the pan.
  8. To thicken liquid, mash a couple of the boiled potatoes and return to pot.

Tortilla Espanola- potato frittata (omelette).

  • 1 lb. potatoes, peeled and sliced

  • 6 large eggs

  • 6 oz. olive oil salt and pepper

  1. Using a deep sauté pan, 9″ in diameter, heat a generous amount of olive oil untilhot, add potatoes and stir to coat with oil.
  2. Reduce heat and let potatoes cook through, turning them over frequently so not to burn.
  3. When soft, remove with slotted spoon to colander to drain reserving the oils to return to pan.
  4. In mixing bowl, beat eggs till frothy and blend the cooled potatoes with egg.
  5. In the same (cleaned)) sauté pan, add the reserved oil, heat over a low flame.
  6. Add the potato/egg mixture and slowly cook with a lid over the pan to retain as much heat as possible.
  7. When bottom side is golden, invert on a plate and return to pan to cook the second side.
  8. Continue cooking for another 15-20 until golden.
  9. Let the tortilla cool for 30 to 60 minutes before serving.

Migas de Pastor-Shepherd Fried Breadcrumbs

  • 4 thick slice of stale country bread

  • 3 cloves garlic, bruised

  • 1 C sliced yellow onion Olive Oil

  • 1/2 lb. of Jamon Serrano (dried) ham) or salami diced fine Salt and Pepper

  1. Remove crusts from bread and shred into small pieces. Place in paper bag and sprinkle with water.
  2. Seal bag and let sit over night.
  3. Half hour before serving, heat oil in large pan.
  4. Add garlic, onion and ham, sauté gently.
  5. Add breadcrumbs and continue to sauté until the breadcrumbs are browned taking care not to burn the garlic.
  6. Serve very hot with a tomato stew or fried eggs.

Pollo Asturiano – Pollo Con Sidra (by Juan Carlos Fuentes)

  • 3 lbs. Chicken (with skin intact)

  • 6 apples

  • 6 cloves garlic

  • 2 lemons

  • 1 litre Sidra Asturiana or any dry alcoholic cider

  • S&P

  • Olive Oil

  1. Section chicken into pieces and place in a baking dish. Coat with olive oil.
  2. Cut the apples into wedges and place in pan with chicken.
  3. Slice the lemons and place in pan.
  4. Add the peeled garlic cloves plus salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Then pour the cider over the chicken.
  6. Roast in oven at 325 (or 170) for 45 minutes.
  7. Reduce the juices and spoon over chicken when serving.

Vieiras de Santiago-Scallops With Jamon Serrano

  • 1/3 cup olive oil

  • 1 medium onion, minced

  • 1 red pepper, diced

  • 4 oz. Jamon Serrano (dried ham)

  • 1/2 C minced parsley

  • 1 tsp sweet paprika

  • 1/2 C dry white wine Salt

  • 16 scallops

  • 3 tsp. dry bread crumbs

  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Heat oil in large skillet over medium-low heat. Add onions and red peppers and cook, stirring occasionally until the onions are soft – 25 minutes.
  3. Add ham, parsley, paprika and wine.
  4. Season to taste with salt and simmer until most liquid has been absorbed (approx 2 minutes).
  5. Place scallops in center of 8 large scallop shells and lightly brush scallops with remaining olive oil.
  6. Season to taste with salt and place shells on a baking sheet.
  7. Spoon about 3 Tbsp. of onion-pepper mixture over each serving of scallops, then sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake until scallops are cooked and tops are golden – approx 15 minutes.

Tarta de Santiago-Almond Cake of Santiago

  • 4 eggs-separated
  • 1 C sugar
  • 2 1/4 C finely ground almonds
  1. Preheat oven to 375.
  2. Separate the 4 eggs into 2 large glass mixing bowls.
  3. Beat yolks, gradually adding 3/4 C sugar, then fold in the 2 1/4 C of ground almonds. Whisk egg whites until foamy, then gradually beat in 1/4 c sugar until stiff peaks form. Stir one-third of egg whites into almond mixture, then carefully fold in remaining egg whites in 2 batches.
  4. Pour batter into a buttered 9″ cake pan and bake.
  5. Test with a toothpick after about 35 minutes.
  6. Allow tart to cool. Dust with powdered sugar.

Gambas Al Ajillo–Garlic Shrimp

  • 2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
  • 1/2 dried red chili pepper, broken into 3 pieces, seeds removed
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil
  • 5 ounces small shrimp, shelled
  1. In a medium size sauté pan, place the garlic, chili pepper, bay leaf, and oil. Heat over a
    medium-high flame until the garlic begins to sizzle and turn golden.
  2. Add the shrimp all at once. Cook, stirring, until the shrimp are done, about 3 minutes. Sprinkle with coarse salt if necessary.
  3. Serve with a good crusty bread. Serves 2.


Prepare several hours in advance

  • 1 bottle (24 ounces) dry, full-bodied red Spanish wine

  • 2 tablespoons orange juice

  • 2 tablespoons orange liqueur such as Gran Marnier

  • 1 tablespoon sugar Orange and lemon slices

  • 2 cups of grapes-halved

  • 1 cup of sparkling water

  1. Mix all ingredients except sparkling water in a large pitcher.
  2. Cover and place in refrigerator for several hours.
  3. Add all sparkling water and ice before serving.
  4. Serves 6 or 2 really thirsty hikers!!

Quemeida Gallego – Fire Water

  • 2 liters de aguardiente blanca/grape brandy – OR GRAPA

  • 300 g sugar

  • Zest of 2 lemons

  • Zest of 1 orange

  • About 10 coffee beans

  1. Place all ingredients in a clay pot.
  2. Ignite with a lighter and step back…..
  3. Let it burn for 15 minutes stirring to dissolve the sugar.
  4. Let cool slightly and serve in small clay cups or in small espresso cups whilst chanting the Pagan incantaction!