France Camino – Le Chemin de Saint Jacques

Chemin de Saint Jacques, known in Roman times as via Podensis, is a long-distance footpath that eventually guides pilgrims to the burial site of Saint James in Santiago de Compostela in northwest Spain. This 14-day, 250-kilometer section of the Camino will lead us westward across central France from the historical town of Le Puy en Velay to the riverside town of Figeac set along the banks of the Célé River. Follow in the footsteps of pilgrims who traversed this route during the Middle Ages and now, in modern times. This lush, lightly trodden area known as the Massif Central is the geographical heart of France. Most people dash by this region when heading to the South of France but for those lucky enough to find themselves walking the Via Podiensis, you’ll marvel at having stepped back in time. Anyone who takes pleasure in the art of walking enjoys off-the-beaten-path travel, and is keen on the history of France and pilgrimage, is more than welcome to join us on this incredible journey.


Le Puy to Figeac

14 days